Attachment Size
Half Yearly EC compliance for the EC. No.10-54/2007-IA dated 29/07/2008 - Expansion of Construction of Liquid Cargo Jetty 7.91 MB
Half Yearly Compliance for Berth No.18 15.95 MB
Half Yearly Compliance for EC No.PD/26017/11/98-PDZ& PD/26018/12/98-PDZ 16.43 MB
Environmental statement for the year April 2020 to March 2021 601.81 KB
Compliance to Environmental Regulations in respect of Vessels calling at NMPT 454.02 KB
Consent for Operation (CFO) from Karnataka Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) 596.97 KB
October -2020 to March -2021. Ref EC: Proposal for Environmental Clearance for construction of a Multi User Jetty at NMPT 12.51 MB
Half-yearly Compliance report of NMPT from April -2019 to September -2019 458.47 KB
October -2020 to March -2021. Ref EC: NMPT for creation of additional facilities to cater to MRPL's Refinery from 3MTPA to 9MTPA 12.51 MB
Half-yearly Compliance report of NMPT from October -2018 to March -2019 334.26 KB
October -2019 to March -2020 Ref EC: NMPT for creation of additional facilities to cater to MRPL's Refinery from 3MTPA to 9MTPA 7.34 MB
Half-yearly Compliance report of NMPT from October -2019 to March -2020. Ref EC: Proposal for construction of a Multi-User Jetty 2.98 MB
Half yearly EC Compliance report for the period October2021- March 2022 11.48 MB
Environmental statement for the year 2021-22 365.39 KB
Half yearly EC compliance for the year April 2022 to September2022 5.54 MB
Half yearly environmental monitoring report for the period of April 2022 to September 2022 10.73 MB
CRZ and Environment Clearance for Single Point Mooring and Storage facilities within New Mangalore Port Trust premises for MRPL 1.2 MB
EC western dock arm ammendment 505.27 KB
EC western dock arm 866.85 KB
Environment Clearance Deep Draft Multipurpose berth no. 14 at New Mangalore Port 748.32 KB
Environment Clearance for Construction of a Multi-user Jetty at New Mangalore Port 980.65 KB
Environment Clearance for Construction of Liquid Cargo Jetty(Berth No.13) in the existing Oil Dock Arm of New Mangalore Port 823.02 KB
Environment clearance for Construction of Temporary -Virtual Jetty by Ms MRPL at New Mangalore Port 602.14 KB
Environment Clearance for Development of four berths in Western dock arm at NMP- Extension of Validity 03.08.2017 814.14 KB
Environment Clearance for Development of Port Facility for handling of crude and POL products at Mangalore Port 574.75 KB
Environment Clearance for Establishment of ball mills and railway siding facility at NMPT Yard at Panambur 600.4 KB
EN607C~1 268.95 KB
EN7530~1 523.7 KB
END89C~1 881.54 KB
PH Advertisement 320.19 KB
EIA Report_B.17 13.16 MB
Executive Summary English Final 1.03 MB
Half yearly compliance report for period October 2022-March 2023 7.28 MB
Environmental Monitoring Report October 22-March2023. 3.59 MB
Environmental statement for the year 2022-2023. 2.02 MB
Submission of half yearly Compliance report from April-2023 to September-2023 for the EC issued by MOEF&CC 13.43 MB
Last updated: 16/12/2023 - 11:40

The New Mangalore Port Association is committed to provide Safe and cost effective services related to the seaport facilities meeting applicable statutory and Regulatory requirements in the Port and the management is committed to implementation of the Health and Safety Policy. The Port follows the Safety committee Management System, wherein the Safety at the Port is managed by the Port Safety Management committee. The Port abides by all the applicable statutory rules and regulations. The safety at Docks area is as per the guidelines laid by the Dock safety regulations and governed by the Inspectorate of Dock safety and DGFASLI.

The Health and Safety has primary importance in all activities of the Port, whether at land or at sea and the Port strives to achieve best safety practices in all its operations. Providing of a safe environment for the employees and all those who work on or travel though the port premises is the priority in relation to other business objectives. The dock workers are provided with necessary safety gadgets / personal protective equipments (PPEs) to eliminate work related illness and to prevent accidents reducing unnecessary loses and liabilities. The Port is proactive and preventive in its approach to safety.

The Port and the management recognizes the employees as a key resource and are committed to promoting a positive work culture seeking continuous improvement in health & safety performance of the port . The management as well as Chairman and all senior officers of the port are responsible for ensuring compliance to the safety standards. The safety management system is monitored, reviewed, bench marked and audited on a periodic basis. The safety audit of the port is regularly conducted and the recommendation given in the audit report is being complied with. All accidents, safety occurrences and incidents are investigated. The schedule for medical examination of workers is strictly followed and also on the job training and training on safety aspects are regularly imparted to the employees.

All safety hazards are identified by risk assessments and the risks eliminated or mitigated where ever possible and adequately controlled. Effective consultation and communication channels exist between management, staff and port users to secure co-operation in maintaining, reviewing and improving safety. All structures, equipments, materials and substances are designed to meet or exceed relevant safety standards and are maintained to ensure high levels of safety. All Marine Operations comply with the Port Marine Safety Code and the International Safety Management standards. A safe working environment is provided in the port so far as is reasonably practical and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for staff welfare.

SL No Description  Size
1 Safety and Health policy 160.31 KB
2 Accident Prevention Plan 253.64 KB


Last updated: 06/09/2022 - 11:28
Attachment Size
Cleaning spending beach on 18.08.2022 by Traffic Department 974.52 KB
Cleaning South side of Panambur beach on 17.08.2022 by Marine Department 935.95 KB
Cleaning North side of Panambur beach on 05.08.2022 by Civil Department 830.38 KB
Cleaning North side Panambur beach on 26.08.2022 by Mechanical Engineering Department 2.16 MB
Cleaning South side of Panambur beach on 07.09.2022 by Finance Department 1.95 MB
Cleaning Spending beach on 09.09.2022 by Administration Department 1.07 MB
Cleaning North side of Panambur beach on 16.09.2022 by Medical Department 686.16 KB
Swachhta Pakhwada Campaign done by Civil Department on 16.09.2022 1.06 MB
Swachhta Pakhwada Campaign done by Marine Department on 19.09.2022 1.19 MB
Swachhta Pakhwada Campaign done by Traffic Department on 20.09.2022 1.02 MB
Swachhta Pakhwada Campaign done by Mechanical Department on 23.09.2022 1.23 MB
Swachhta Pakhwada Campaign done by Medical Department on 27.09.2022 1.57 MB
Swachhta Pakhwada Campaign done by Administration Department on 26.09.2022 988.6 KB
Swachhta Pakhwada Campaign done by Administration & Finance Department in Railway Marshal yard surroundings on 28.09.2022 2.12 MB
Swachhta Pakhwada Campaign done by Mechanical & Medical Department in JNC hall & Market surroundings on 29.09.2022 1.86 MB
Swachhta Pakhwada Campaign done by Traffic, Civil & Marine Department in Cruise launge surroundings on 30.09.2022 1.51 MB
"Swachhtha at Tannirbaavi from Srinivas College" at New Mangalore Port on 01.10.2024. 1.04 MB
" Swacchtha at Wharf beach Area" at New Mangalore Port on 24.09.2024. 1.28 MB
"Nandaneshwara Temple Area Cleaning" at New Mangalore Port on 23.09.2024 1.55 MB
"Swacchtha at BDC by Mechanical Department " at New Mangalore Port on 08.10.2024. 1.45 MB
Last updated: 25/11/2024 - 18:42
Last updated: 15/12/2023 - 10:21