Circular No. Date Subject DOPT-1668597747466 16/11/2022 Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers / Presenting Officers in the departmental inquiries conducted by the Ministries / Departments Compilation of CVC instructions on procurement, works and Contracts & Systemic Improvement Instructions of NMPT-2018 25/09/2013 HANDBOOK FOR INQUIRY OFFICERS AND DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITIES -2013 Penal Provisions Pertaining To Bribery And Corruption Among Public Servants (CHAPTER VI to XVIII) 15/10/2021 Vigilance Manual -2021 06/09/2017 Vigilance manual 2017 2016 Initiatives in preventive vigilance published by CVC 09/05/2014 The whistle blowers protection Act 2011 25/09/2013 Handbook for IOs and DAs published by DOPT 003/VGL/28 28/11/2005 Vigilance Manual -Sixth Edition-2004 - Clarification 12/01/2005 Vigilance manual Volume 1 2005 edition (Chapter I to VI) 99/VGL/62 29/11/1999 Amendment of Para 11.4, Chapter X of Vigilance Manual Vol. I. 1991 Vigilance manual Volume 1 1991 edition (chapter VI to XVIII) 28/09/2004 Amendment to CVC Act 2003 12/09/2003 CVC Act 2003 09/09/1988 The prevention of corruption Act 1988 31/05/1972 The Departmental inquiries (Enforcement of attendance of witness and production of documents) Act 1972 01/11/1850 The public servants (inquiries) Act 1850