SL Tittle Last Date
21 Filling up of the post of Senior Deputy Director (EDP) in NMPA on Absorption/deputation.
22 Filling up the post of Deputy Chief Engineer(Civil) under absorption through Composite method in New Mangalore Port Authority.
23 Inviting eligible candidates for engagement on contract basis to the post of Pilot in this Port.
24 Inviting eligible candidates for engagement on contract basis to the post of Engineer Gr.II.
25 Filling up the Post of Chief Administrative Officer, (CAO) Indian Ports Association- Calling for Applications.
26 Empanelment of Retired Officers as Inquiry Officer for conducting Departmental Inquires.
27 Applications are invited from eligible persons for the post of Asst. Manager(Finance) on contract basis.
28 Engagement of Graduate in Engineering/Graduate in Degree/Diploma Apprentice Trainee as per the Apprentice Act,1961 / Apprentices Amendment Act, 1973 (as amended from time to time).
29 Filling up of the post of Deputy Chief Accounts Officer and 1 post of Senior Accounts Officer in NMPA on Absorption / Deputation
30 Filling up of the post of Deputy Traffic Manager in the scale of pavisy of Rs.60000-180000 (pre-revised Rs.24900-50500) (pre-pre-reed Rs.13000-350-18250) by Absorption/Deputation basis in New Mangalore Port Authority