SL Tittle Details Department Last updated
81 Trade Notice: Draft Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) for Export of Iron Ore Fines from NMPA- Reg
Attachment Size
Trade Notice (IOF).pdf 548.23 KB
Draft SOP (IOF) .pdf 6.25 MB
Calculation.pdf 423.35 KB
Traffic Dept 31/01/2023 - 10:43
82 Capturing the attendance of the workmen deployed by using the RFID readers - Reg
Attachment Size
Workmen attendance Trade Notice.pdf 741.51 KB
Traffic Dept 30/01/2023 - 18:00
83 Exemption of port and vessel related charges for RoPax/Passenger ferry opertaion- Reg
Attachment Size
Exemption of Port and vessel related charges for RoPaxPassenger Ferry operations.pdf 388.56 KB
Traffic Dept 13/01/2023 - 13:03
84 Extension of rebate for vessel related charges to Mainline Container vessels and feeder line container vessels w.e.f 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023-Reg
Attachment Size
Extension of rebate for Vessel Related Charges.pdf 319.1 KB
Traffic Dept 09/01/2023 - 17:35
85 Additional rebate on vessel related charges to mainline and feeder line container vessels calling to NMPA, other than originating from Indian Ports and Colombo- Reg
Attachment Size
Circular dated 09-01-2023.pdf 338.9 KB
Traffic Dept 09/01/2023 - 17:33
86 In-house awareness training programme on "Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace(prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act 2013"
Attachment Size
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2013.pdf 109.45 KB
Administration Dept 11/01/2023 - 15:52
87 List of NMPA Employees who retired on SVRS
Attachment Size
List of NMPA Employees who retired on SVRS_1.pdf 241.24 KB
Administration Dept 03/03/2023 - 16:25
88 Circular: Conducting various competition in connection with celebration of Azadi ka Amrith mahotsav 2022-23 arrangements- Reg
Attachment Size
Circular AKAM-2022-23.pdf 151.21 KB
Administration Dept 28/12/2022 - 11:09
89 Circular: Vessel Traffic Services under the provisions of Marine Aids to Navigate Act, 2021: Executive Order - Regarding
Attachment Size
VTS provisions of marine aids to navigation.pdf 686.5 KB
Marine Dept 27/12/2022 - 16:47
90 Trade Notice: Sunset of PCS1x and Go-live of National Logistics Portal-Marine(NLP-M)
Attachment Size
Sunset of PCS1x and Go-live of National Logistics Portal - Marine (NLP-M).pdf 367.29 KB
Traffic Dept 02/12/2022 - 18:50