SL Tittle Tender Number Department Last Date of Submission Open Date EMD Corrigendum

Proposed pavement quality concrete from AOB circle to Road No. 1 junction at NMPA

CIVIL/CE(C)/EE(C)/46/2022-23 Civil Dept 7,33,400
संलग्नी आकार
PQCAOBtoRoadNo1TD.pdf 4.65 मेगा बाइट

Sprinkling of water to the roads, platforms outside the security compound wall west of NH 66 for the year 2022-23 (Re-tender)

CIVIL/CE(C)/EE(C)/53/2022-23 Civil Dept 18,200
संलग्नी आकार
SprinklingofwaterRTTD.pdf 758.4 किलोबाइट

Request for Proposal (RFP) for Appointment of Transaction Advisor for Concessioning of Berth No. 13 for handling Liquid Bulk / LPG / POL products / Chemicals on Captive / PPP Mode

CIVIL/CE(C)/EE(C)/05/2022-23 59000 Corrigendum 1 updated on 11-08-2022 for extending the last submission date till 16-08-2022 15:30hrs
संलग्नी आकार
RFP-TA-B13-29042022 with Corrigendum.pdf 5.1 मेगा बाइट

Supply and installation of 350Mts non inflatable oil spill containment boom

GEM/2022/B/2225940 Mechanical Dept Corrigendum 1 uploaded on 11-08-2022 for extending the last submission date till 12-08-2022 09:00hrs
संलग्नी आकार
GeM-Bidding-3454334_Corrigendum.pdf 6.45 मेगा बाइट

Procurement of Supply of Bioremediation Enzyme

GEM/2022/B/2226298 Mechanical Dept Corrigendum 1 uploaded on 11-08-2022 for extending the last submission date till 12-08-2022 17:00hrs
संलग्नी आकार
GeM-Bidding-3454719 and corrigendum.pdf 6.01 मेगा बाइट

Annual Maintenance of Residential and non residential building on the east of NH-66 in NMPA for the year 2022-23

CIVIL/CE(C)/EE(C)/37/2022-23 Civil Dept 1,41,100
संलग्नी आकार
AnnualMtcResNonresidentialTD.pdf 1.33 मेगा बाइट

Procurement of Fire Suppression foam(AFFF concentrate for fire fighting) as per IS 4989(Q3)

GEM/2022/B/2402074 Mechanical Dept
संलग्नी आकार
GeM-Bidding-3644115 (10-08-2022).pdf 77.73 किलोबाइट

Casual hiring of vehicles for the use of VIP's/VVIP's and officers/Officials of NMPA

2/25/2022-23/EE(M)II/TS(Local casual hiring) Mechanical Dept Corrigendum 1 uploaded on 17-08-2022 for extending the last submission date till 22-08-2022 15:30hrs
संलग्नी आकार
Enquiry local casual hiring contract.pdf 4.4 मेगा बाइट
Corrigendum No.1.pdf 443.87 किलोबाइट

Allotment of 8094 sqm land area (P2) on long term lease for installation of storage facilities, silos and warehouses on (Old CISF Barrack) southern side of road leading from nh-66 to panambur beach at NMP through e-tender cum e-auction process

CE/SE(C-II)/EST/BVISF/32/2022 Civil Dept Corrigendum 7 updated on 27-10-2022 for extending the last submission date till 31-10-2022 15:00hrs
संलग्नी आकार
Allotment of 8094 sqm land area (P2) on long term lease & Corrigendum 5.pdf 1.97 मेगा बाइट
Corrigendum-6.pdf 25.64 किलोबाइट
Corrigendum-7.pdf 33.94 किलोबाइट

Supply of 6% AFF Foam Compound

20/114/2022-23/EE(M)III/TS-OTM(AFFF) Mechanical Dept
संलग्नी आकार
Quotation - Supply of 6% AFF Foam compoun.pdf 1.45 मेगा बाइट